
Tonight I met one of the two artists I wrote about in my master’s thesis: George Bures Miller. He is as nice a guy in real life as he was in all the emails we exchanged. (He told me he thought my blog was “Great!”) Janet Cardiff, his wife and collaborator, I’ll have to meet another time.

Guess what I got today?

my master’s diploma!

and since it’s from art center – it’s whimsically designed in orange.


Happy Birthday to me!

Now, off to get our marriage license, and then to carbo-load at a nice Italian place for tomorrow’s hike.

My thesis passed, but apparently with a little reluctance:

“It is my pleasure to inform you that we have passed your thesis.
Congratulations. I am happy to see your writing improve; however, I do want to note that the committee still has some serious reservations about the depth and breadth of your research and analysis — both of which will need more work if you plan to continue in the field.”

I do plan on continuing in this field! Does this mean I won’t be able to ask for letters of recommendation? sigh. Being good at stuff just doesn’t come as easily as it did when I was young. I have to work so darn hard at everything these days. Although, I think that being any kind of writer might always be hard.

Bella and I celebrated by going out for sushi (which in Yucca Valley, might be considered a risky affair – but still beat out Pizza Hut).

I have a confession to make. I didn’t really finish my thesis the other day. I did really print out a final copy, and I did really bring the whole thing to the printer.

but then I panicked. I got a call from my friend Ellen, saying she had a few thoughts about my conclusion. I suddenly felt there was absolutely no way I could print out my thesis without talking to Ellen first.

Consequently, I rushed back to the printer and had them stop printing. They had already printed all the copies, but luckily they hadn’t started the binding process. Then I went back home and worked through no less than three more drafts of the conclusion.

It has been painful and sleepless, but now I can honestly say that I AM DONE. I bring the new conclusion to the printer tomorrow morning. I have contacted all my thesis committee members. I have addressed all the manila envelopes.

And I would go to bed except for all the caffeine zinging through my shoulder blades.

Here is the final, final, final draft of my thesis:

Intimacy in the Works of Janet Cardiff Including Collaborations with George Bures Miller

Just thought I’d mention:


the cover page, the bibliography, the whole thing. Off to the printer’s tomorrow!

Now to reward myself with a little sleep – a few hours anyway.

Jeez. Here I think I’m done, and then I find the exact same two sentences in my conclusion that I used in my introduction. Yikes.

The Chicago Manual of Style (14th edition) is turning out to be a good, good friend.

(See, I post a lot more when I am “working” on my thesis. Hence, Bella’s habit of yelling, Mom! Are you blogging again?! every time she passes my door.)

Just back from a second round of walking around the house aimlessly looking for that final draft I printed out a few hours ago. That’s right – I can’t find it. I just need to read through it one more time before I print out a good copy, but I cannot find the damn thing anywhere.

Perhaps it is because I have too many dang piles of papers, theses, and books laying about on every available surface. Chad made a little video of Giselle the other day and played it on the TV. I could only gape at the mess on the screen – whose house was that messy? My house? Needless to say, despite Giselle’s playful gambols, that video will not make it to youtube.

Or perhaps it is because I woke up at 3 am this morning to see Chad off to Laguna. He gets up that early to beat the traffic back.

Or maybe I can’t bear the thought of being done with the thesis. could that be it? WHERE ARE YOU THESIS?!

Could this be it? This is the first time I am printing the whole thing as one document. If I finish the bibliography tonight, I can bring it to the printer tomorrow!!!!

I think I’ll call it “Intimacy in the Works of Janet Cardiff Including Collaborations with George Bures Miller.”


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